
Tours, beers, and music... Wherever your adventure may lead.

Tours, beers, and music... Wherever your adventure may lead.

About Beardbarian Entertainment

Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Yves, the man behind the company. My time as a student with a concentration problem was quite turbulent: apart from the History classes I was taking, the town of Ghent had so much more to offer. Soon caught up in a slipstream of adventures, I learned more about the national Beer culture of Belgium, played music as I travelled the country and discovered how much fun it was to learn newcomers about our amazing history.

When my education ended, I made it my mission to share the secret to living this adventurous lifestyle with others. Because life is too short to not live it as wild as a Beardbarian.



Wherever your adventure may lead

Guided tours

We all have been at a tour where you are beaten to death with dates, too many names to remember and -worst of all- a guide who doesn’t really care who you are. The Beardbarian strives to make every tour feel like you’re on the road with a friend who’s just eager to show you where he lives. Watch out, the weird sense of humour might be contagious!

Check out or blog and facebook to look for Open Walks, otherwise you can make a booking for a private tour.


Ghent tour by Beardbarian Entertainment

Starting from a religious settlement, this town became one of the biggest towns north of the Alps. Once contending with the likes of Paris and London, it had a turbulent history of revolts and uprisings. Nowadays Ghent is still seen as a rebellious city where there’s always something fresh brewing in the streets.

  • Private tour of 2 hours - €25 per person (€190 min.)

  • Private tour of 3 hours - €30 per person (€240 min.)

  • Special rates for schools!


Bruges tour by Beardbarian Entertainment

Close to the North sea and along an important Roman road, Bruges had everything to become a prosperous trade center. But who would’ve guessed it would take the central stage in European trade? All the wealth of Italy, England and Germany soon flooded through its rivers and streets and would help to build its beauty… before it all came falling down. Walk with the Beardbarian through quiet streets and romantic corners: will the spell of Bruges catch you like it caught rulers, merchants and poets before?

  • Private tour of 2 hours - €25 per person (€190 min.)

  • Private tour of 3 hours - €30 per person (€240 min.)

  • Special rates for schools!

Custom tours

Custom tour by Beardbarian Entertainment

Are you interested in seeing a specific town in Belgium, or eager to learn about a very specific subject? Beardbarian Entertainment already provided custom-made tours to schools and clubs to fit their needs.

Send a message

Let’s talk! Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.